1.Shanen Doherty: Devojke danas su gore od mene
U poređenju sa današnjim standardima, ja sam kao Sandra Dee.
Nikada nisam bila uhapsena zbog posedovanja kokaina.
Kada vidite sva ta opravdanja, izgovori tih devojaka su ludi.", rekla je.
"Kada bih napravila gresku onda bih je i priznala, rekla bih wow, ovo je sramotno,
ponizavajuce i nikada se ne bi ponovilo. Ove devojke izgleda da samo prave greske
iznova i iznova i nista ne nauce na njima."
"Na primeru Lindsay Lohan, ustvari mislim da je Lindsay veoma
talentovana i to je nekako... Znate gledate nekog ko je talentovan,
ko ocigledno ima mnogo porodicnih problema sto bi mnogo ljudi
reklo da je to i uzrok njenih problema", objasnila je.
"Pravila sam greske i naucila iz njih i jacala kao ljudsko bice,
zato sto imam veoma jaku porodicu."
2.Knjiga od Šanen Doerti izlazi u Novembru
Knjiga od Shannen, "Shannen Doherty Badass: A Hard-Earned Guide to
Living Life With Style and (The Right) Attitude" izlazi u Novembru,
a ovo je naslovna... Kako vam se čini i šta mislite kakva će da bude knjiga?
3.Alyssa Milano i Ivan Sergei ponovo glume zajedno
Dobitnik Ejmi nagrade Stockard Channing (Grease) i Ivan Sergei (Jack & Jill)
glumiće zajedno sa Alyssom Milano u filmu Sundays At Tiffany’s,
koja je takođe producent ovog filma. Film je baziran na knjizi James Paterson-a,
Sundays at Tiffany's. Alyssa Milano će igrati ulogu 23-godisnje Jane,
Stockard Channing će glumeti Jane-inu majku Vivian, a Ivan Sergei Jane-inog verenika.
4.Kaley Cuoco slomila nogu
Zvezda serije The Big Bang Theory, Kaley Cuoco,
13. Septembra pala je sa konja i slomila nogu.
Nažalost obrisana je iz par epizoda serije The Big Bang Theory,
pošto trenutno ne može da snima zbog povrede.
4. sezona serije bi trebalo da počne da se emituje od 23. Septembra.
5.Alyssa - Nova frizura
Alyssa je na svome twitteru postavila sliku i napisala
"This is what I'm doing right now, and oh yeah, I cut my hair..."
6.Dylan's Wake na Dvd-u tek 2011!
Film Dylan's Wake sa Rose je 12. maja bio pušten na festivalu
u Kanu u Francuskoj, a na DVD-u će izaći tek 18. Januara 2011.
7.Rose McGowan na koncertu Lady Gage
Rose je napisala na svom twitteru:
"Idem na koncert Lady Gage večeras. Moram da se presvučem!
Ne smem da izgledam jadno za Lady Gagu."
8.Shanen Doherty: Nisam trudna!
Shanen Doherty je porekla tračeve da je trudna.
Na svom twitter profilu napisala je:
"Tako mi je žao što pišem o ovome...
Nisam trudna, pretpostavljam da sam samo debela zbog photoshopa."
"Nikada nisam bila ni debela, ni trudna"
9.Alyssa dobila ulogu u filmu Wulf
Dobila je ulogu Brianne. Zanr filma je horor - triler.
U filmu pored Alysse bi trebalo da glume i Rachael Leigh Cook,
Malese Jow, Remy Ryan, Jeremiah Sayys i drugi. Jeremiah Sayys
je takodje producent, direktor i pisac filma.
10.Drew Fuller snima film sa Hilary Duff
Drew Fuller snima film "The Story of Bonnie and Clyde"
u kome ima ulogu Buck Barrow-a. U ovom filmu glavnu
ulogu ima Hilary Duff kao Bonnie Parker
11.Shannen u filmu Witchslayer
Shannen Doherty ce glumiti u filmu Witchslayer,
koji treba da izadje u Septembru ove godine.
Film nece izaci u bioskopima, vec na TV-u.
Pored nje u filmu bi trebali da glume i Emilie Ullerup,
Paul McGillion, Erica Cox, Sarain Boylan itd.
Shannen takodje snima film koji treba da izadje na TV-u,
Growing the Big One(Romansa), izlazi 23. oktobra ove godine.
12.Alyssa Milano - Šta smo sve uradili
mogao je da donira novac za cistu vodu. Skupili smo dovoljno novca da
pružimo cistu vodu na 18 mesta i 4.628 ljudi u Etiopiji.
To je bio daleko moj najbolji rodjendanski poklon IKADA.
Scott Harrison, tek što se vratio iz jedne posete.
Poslao mi je ove predivne slike, koje bih želela da podelim sa vama.
Ovo mesto se zove Lihamat gde živi 300 ljudi… i sada imaju pristup cistoj vodi.
Mnogo se zahvaljujem svima koji su donirali.
Promenili ste necije zivote i bicu vam zauvek zahvalna za vasu saosecajnost.
Peace, Light, And Love, Alyssa...
13.Uginuo pas od Rose McGowan
My beloved lil’ girl Boston terrier, Bug McGowan, died yesterday.
I am shattered. Don’t know life without her.- Rose McGowan
22. juna Rose je napisala na Twitteru kako joj je uginuo pas Bug,
sa kojim je provela 14 godina.
14.Shannen Doherty u zatvoru
Po najnovijim vestima iz zivota ove poznate
glumice televizija DOQ je objavila
biografiju ove glumice uz najnovije vesti :
Loša Shannen se ponovo vratila zbog
tuce u kaficu i ne placenih racuna, dugova i zaduženja banci,
Shannen je uhapšena i sad ja u zatvoru.
Glumica je poznata po ispadima, fizickim napadima
i kako kažu ima debeo dosije u policiji.
15.Holly Marie Combs - Sinu ispao prvi zub
Ukoliko pratite i Twitter od Holly Marie Combs
videli biste da je njenom sinu ispao prvi zubic
kao što možete videti na fotografiji iznad.
16.Alyssa Milano na Kosovu
I'm now in Austria. Last leg of my journey is a two hour flight to Kosovo. Hi twitterverse.
13 minutes ago via Twittelator
Overview: http://www.unicef.org/kosovo/children.html
Health and nutrition indicators are still far from neighbouring countries and in particular the EU average.
Primary health care needs additional fiscal and human resources, and the institutional and legal arrangements
stand in the way for a more economical solution. The current allocation of budgetary resources is focused on
programs like curatitive care and drug administration programs, while there is too
little spent on preventative and primary health care.
One of the major challenges in Kosovo is the improvement of mother and child health status to improve the parenting
skills of parents and caregivers on mother and child health care, nutrition and development.
There is a lack of knowledge and awareness among communities and families about adequate home care management,
child physical and cognitive development and general reproductive health.
Infant mortality rate is the highest in Europe
1 in 3 children under 5 suffer from vitamin A deficiency
Under 2 out of every 10 children below the age of 5 have stunted growth
5% of children in Kosovo are considered malnourished
1 in every 10 child under 5 years of age suffers from chronic malnutrition
Immunization coverage rates have increased to over 90%, however it remains low among Roma, Ashkalia, Egyptian communities.
84% of households consume iodized salt.
Kosovo has a very high fertility rate and amongst the poorest maternal and child vital indicators in Europe.
Between 35,000 children are born each year, in a population of nearly two million people.
The infant mortality rate is estimated at between 35 to 49 per 1,000 live births, while under 5 mortality rate
is estimated at 69 per 1000. Both rates are at least twice as high as those of neighbouring countries.
The main causes of mortality include perinatal conditions, respiratory diseases and diarrhea.
More than 95% of mothers give birth in a health facility, nevertheless maternal mortality is high.
Immunization coverage rates have increased to over 90%, however due to low awareness,
parents tend to delay some of the vaccines scheduled by the Ministry of Health.
The immunization remains low among Roma, Ashkali and Egyptian communities.
Inappropriate breastfeeding and infant feeding pattern raise major concerns as a determinant
of the observed nutrition problems. The vast majority of sampled children under 2 years of age are breastfed,
at least partially (90%). The prevalence of exclusive breastfeeding is only 12% for children under 6 months.
Despite the fact that 84% of households consume iodized salt, nearly 50% of women and the school-age children
have an inadequate urinary iodine concentration, due to either low quantity of consumption or inappropriate
usage during the cooking process. Inadequate iodine levels can lead to poor physical and mental development of children.
Only 64% of the population has access to clean water. On average less than 50% of households are connected to public sewage
and in rural communities this figure falls to around seven%.
The main environmental problems are air pollution, waste management and heavy metal pollution particular with
lead in Mitrovica municipality with highest blood lead levels in the world.
The 2007 MDG report on Kosovo calls attention to an alarmingly low rate of pre-school enrolment.
Unlike many other countries in the region, Kosovo doesn’t have a strong tradition of early childhood
development programmes or pre-school education. There is not enough attention within the family directed
to interaction with very young children and low awareness on the need to stimulate a
child’s physical and cognitive development from an early age.
Preschool in Kosovo includes childcare and kindergarten institutions for children from the age of 9 months to 5
years and also pre-primary services within primary schools themselves for children aged 5 to 6.
Currently less than 10% of children aged 3 to 6 in Kosovo have access to early childhood education and development programmes.
The majority of existing pre-schools and kindergartens or pre-primary classes are located in urban centres.
Since state-provided rural early childhood education services, such as pre-schools or kindergartens,
did not exist during the previous administration, there is little knowledge base regarding the meaning
or processes of early learning. The Ministry of Education, Science and Technology aims to increase children’s
access to early learning programmes up to 25% by 2005.
13 minutes ago via Twittelator
Overview: http://www.unicef.org/kosovo/children.html
Health and nutrition indicators are still far from neighbouring countries and in particular the EU average.
Primary health care needs additional fiscal and human resources, and the institutional and legal arrangements
stand in the way for a more economical solution. The current allocation of budgetary resources is focused on
programs like curatitive care and drug administration programs, while there is too
little spent on preventative and primary health care.
One of the major challenges in Kosovo is the improvement of mother and child health status to improve the parenting
skills of parents and caregivers on mother and child health care, nutrition and development.
There is a lack of knowledge and awareness among communities and families about adequate home care management,
child physical and cognitive development and general reproductive health.
Infant mortality rate is the highest in Europe
1 in 3 children under 5 suffer from vitamin A deficiency
Under 2 out of every 10 children below the age of 5 have stunted growth
5% of children in Kosovo are considered malnourished
1 in every 10 child under 5 years of age suffers from chronic malnutrition
Immunization coverage rates have increased to over 90%, however it remains low among Roma, Ashkalia, Egyptian communities.
84% of households consume iodized salt.
Kosovo has a very high fertility rate and amongst the poorest maternal and child vital indicators in Europe.
Between 35,000 children are born each year, in a population of nearly two million people.
The infant mortality rate is estimated at between 35 to 49 per 1,000 live births, while under 5 mortality rate
is estimated at 69 per 1000. Both rates are at least twice as high as those of neighbouring countries.
The main causes of mortality include perinatal conditions, respiratory diseases and diarrhea.
More than 95% of mothers give birth in a health facility, nevertheless maternal mortality is high.
Immunization coverage rates have increased to over 90%, however due to low awareness,
parents tend to delay some of the vaccines scheduled by the Ministry of Health.
The immunization remains low among Roma, Ashkali and Egyptian communities.
Inappropriate breastfeeding and infant feeding pattern raise major concerns as a determinant
of the observed nutrition problems. The vast majority of sampled children under 2 years of age are breastfed,
at least partially (90%). The prevalence of exclusive breastfeeding is only 12% for children under 6 months.
Despite the fact that 84% of households consume iodized salt, nearly 50% of women and the school-age children
have an inadequate urinary iodine concentration, due to either low quantity of consumption or inappropriate
usage during the cooking process. Inadequate iodine levels can lead to poor physical and mental development of children.
Only 64% of the population has access to clean water. On average less than 50% of households are connected to public sewage
and in rural communities this figure falls to around seven%.
The main environmental problems are air pollution, waste management and heavy metal pollution particular with
lead in Mitrovica municipality with highest blood lead levels in the world.
The 2007 MDG report on Kosovo calls attention to an alarmingly low rate of pre-school enrolment.
Unlike many other countries in the region, Kosovo doesn’t have a strong tradition of early childhood
development programmes or pre-school education. There is not enough attention within the family directed
to interaction with very young children and low awareness on the need to stimulate a
child’s physical and cognitive development from an early age.
Preschool in Kosovo includes childcare and kindergarten institutions for children from the age of 9 months to 5
years and also pre-primary services within primary schools themselves for children aged 5 to 6.
Currently less than 10% of children aged 3 to 6 in Kosovo have access to early childhood education and development programmes.
The majority of existing pre-schools and kindergartens or pre-primary classes are located in urban centres.
Since state-provided rural early childhood education services, such as pre-schools or kindergartens,
did not exist during the previous administration, there is little knowledge base regarding the meaning
or processes of early learning. The Ministry of Education, Science and Technology aims to increase children’s
access to early learning programmes up to 25% by 2005.
17.Momak moje devojke - Nova Alyssina uloga
Kao što saznajemo.. Alyssa ae glumiti u Filmu "Momak moje devojke"
ili kako to zvuei na engleskom "My Girlfriend's Boyfriend"...
Trailer možete pogledati na sledeaem linku:
Alyssa kao gost u Good Morning America
Alyssa kao gost u Good Morning America
Alyssa je bila gost u emisiji "Good Morning America" 19.04.2010.kako bi promovisala ABC show "Romantically Challenged."Ceo razgovor možete pogledati na sledeaem linkuhttp://www.alyssa.com/news/alyssa-on-good-morning-america/
19.Holly Marie Combs - Nova uloga
Holly Marie Combs glumiae u seriji "Pretty Little Liar" kao majka tinejdžerke
Aria Montgomery (koju glumi Lucy Hale). Serija ae biti ra?ena po knjigama i prati
prieu 4 tinejdžerke --> Aria (Hale), Emily (Shay Mitchell), Hanna (Ashley Benson),
and Spencer (Trojan Bellisario). Prva epizoda izaaiae 8. juna 2010. na ABC Family's.
20.Rose McGowan napustila film Red Sonja
Posle dugog cekanja na film "Red Sonja", Rose McGowan je ocigledno napustila projekat,
a preuzece ulogu u drugom filmu "Conan" kao zla polu-covek, polu-veštica.
Novosti su potvrdjene kada je odgovorila jednom razocaranom fanu na twitteru:
"It's fine. It was Conan or that.", napisala je u ponedeljak 5. aprila.
Postojale su i glasine da ae glavnu ulogu preuzeti Megan Fox, ali je ona rekla da to nije tacno.
21.Alyssa Milano u Pittsburgh
U predstojecoj "ABC seriji", "Alyssa Milano ce u Pitsburg igrati
advokata koji je nedavno razvedene majke dvoje dece.
22.Novi film Briana Krausa
Film je radjen prema prici Smak Sveta 2012. godine,
a glavnu ulogu tumaci Brian Krause.
23.Rose operisala ruku
Naša Rose je prošli mesec imala operaciju ruke.
Trenutno se oporavlja u bolnici, no ona uvek ima vremena za fanove
Te je na svom twiteru napisala poruku:
"My arm surgery is due 2 nerve damage due 2 film stunt.
It’s my 3rd surgery on my right arm.
Have had elbow, wrist & now another part of elbow"
24.Alyssa glumi u Castle
Alyssa ce biti deo jedne epizode ove serije.
Bice u epizodu koja ce se zvati “A Rose for Everafter”.
Ova epizoda ce se snimati sledece nedelje, a izaci ce pocetkom 2010.
Na sve ovo Alyssa ima da kaže samo:
"Truth! Can't wait to work"
Alyssa je bila gost u emisiji "Good Morning America" 19.04.2010.
kako bi promovisala ABC show "Romantically Challenged."
Ceo razgovor možete pogledati na sledeaem linku
19.Holly Marie Combs - Nova uloga
Holly Marie Combs glumiae u seriji "Pretty Little Liar" kao majka tinejdžerke
Aria Montgomery (koju glumi Lucy Hale). Serija ae biti ra?ena po knjigama i prati
prieu 4 tinejdžerke --> Aria (Hale), Emily (Shay Mitchell), Hanna (Ashley Benson),
and Spencer (Trojan Bellisario). Prva epizoda izaaiae 8. juna 2010. na ABC Family's.
20.Rose McGowan napustila film Red Sonja
Posle dugog cekanja na film "Red Sonja", Rose McGowan je ocigledno napustila projekat,
a preuzece ulogu u drugom filmu "Conan" kao zla polu-covek, polu-veštica.
Novosti su potvrdjene kada je odgovorila jednom razocaranom fanu na twitteru:
"It's fine. It was Conan or that.", napisala je u ponedeljak 5. aprila.
Postojale su i glasine da ae glavnu ulogu preuzeti Megan Fox, ali je ona rekla da to nije tacno.
21.Alyssa Milano u Pittsburgh
U predstojecoj "ABC seriji", "Alyssa Milano ce u Pitsburg igrati
advokata koji je nedavno razvedene majke dvoje dece.
Aria Montgomery (koju glumi Lucy Hale). Serija ae biti ra?ena po knjigama i prati
prieu 4 tinejdžerke --> Aria (Hale), Emily (Shay Mitchell), Hanna (Ashley Benson),
and Spencer (Trojan Bellisario). Prva epizoda izaaiae 8. juna 2010. na ABC Family's.
20.Rose McGowan napustila film Red Sonja
a preuzece ulogu u drugom filmu "Conan" kao zla polu-covek, polu-veštica.
Novosti su potvrdjene kada je odgovorila jednom razocaranom fanu na twitteru:
"It's fine. It was Conan or that.", napisala je u ponedeljak 5. aprila.
Postojale su i glasine da ae glavnu ulogu preuzeti Megan Fox, ali je ona rekla da to nije tacno.
21.Alyssa Milano u Pittsburgh
advokata koji je nedavno razvedene majke dvoje dece.
22.Novi film Briana Krausa
a glavnu ulogu tumaci Brian Krause.
23.Rose operisala ruku
Trenutno se oporavlja u bolnici, no ona uvek ima vremena za fanove
Te je na svom twiteru napisala poruku:
"My arm surgery is due 2 nerve damage due 2 film stunt.
It’s my 3rd surgery on my right arm.
Have had elbow, wrist & now another part of elbow"
24.Alyssa glumi u Castle
Bice u epizodu koja ce se zvati “A Rose for Everafter”.
Ova epizoda ce se snimati sledece nedelje, a izaci ce pocetkom 2010.
Na sve ovo Alyssa ima da kaže samo:
"Truth! Can't wait to work"
Možda da ste naveli odakle ste copy/paste ove novosti?